Our Erasmus + training course with the theme of awareness in autism will be held in Poland between 23-30 September 2018!
Engelsiz Gençlik Politikaları Ulusal Zirvesi
Proje takımımız adına ekip arkadaşımız Tugay’ın da katıldığı Engelsiz Gençlik Politikaları Ulusal Zirvesi Elazığ’da başladı.Uluslararası alanda olduğu gibi, ulusal alanda da projelerimize
From Poland #CMS to Turkey- On the Road 3 – Athens
Our Poland #CMS project is over, and it’s time to take a little tour on the way back! Participants traveled all over
From Poland #CMS to Turkey- On the Road 2 – Warsaw
Our Poland #CMS project is over, and it’s time to take a little tour on the way back! Participants traveled all over