Proje takımımız adına ekip arkadaşımız Tugay’ın da katıldığı Engelsiz Gençlik Politikaları Ulusal Zirvesi Elazığ’da başladı.Uluslararası alanda olduğu gibi, ulusal alanda da projelerimize
From Poland #CMS to Turkey- On the Road 3 – Athens
Our Poland #CMS project is over, and it’s time to take a little tour on the way back! Participants traveled all over
From Poland #CMS to Turkey- On the Road 2 – Warsaw
Our Poland #CMS project is over, and it’s time to take a little tour on the way back! Participants traveled all over
From Poland #CMS to Turkey- On the Road 1 – Oslo
Our Poland #CMS project is over, and it’s time to take a little tour on the way back! Participants traveled all over