YOUTH EXCHANGE: “E.C.O.-Fashion: Ecology, Citizenship and Opportunities for a New Fashion”



Arrival day: 25.09.2024
Departure day: 02.10.2024
Project type: Erasmus+ Youth Exchange
Participants: 5 participants (18+)
Sending organization: Anka Youth Association






The Youth Exchange will be attended by 25 participants from 5 different
countries: France, Greece, Italy, Portugal and Türkiye.- Aged 18-30; except for group leaders who will not have an age limit.- 5 participants per partner organizations (group leader included).- Balanced group between boys and girls if possible.- 2 participants with fewer opportunities, including young people who:
are unemployed unemployed, young people at risk of social exclusion,
struggling in school (dropping out), or living in rural areas and who have
never had the opportunity to meet and interact with people from other
countries or cultures.- Basic knowledge of English.



The participants should arrive on 25 September after lunch. The departure
will take place on 2 October 2024 after breakfast.
Please note that you cannot arrive later or leave earlier. According to
Erasmus+ rules, you have the right to stay for 2 extra days, but the
Erasmus+ programme do not provide funds for these 2 extra days. So if
you plan to stay for 2 extra days, keep in mind that you will pay for
accommodation and food out of your own pocket


Travel costs and reimbursements:


Travel costs will be covered, based on the country of participants, up to
foreseen limits. Only the exact amount written on the ticket will be
accepted. Please do not book tickets from travel agencies.
Payments for luxury transportation options will not be made during the
journeys. You should travel in economy class and take public transports.
We will refund you based on actual costs incurred and on presentation of:

– Invoice of the plane ticket. – Boarding Pass with the clear mention of the passenger.

– All other transportation-related bills.

All refunding procedures will be done after the project and directly to your
sending organisation, which is the official partner of the project. No
possibility of individual refund.
Please note! The tickets booked without our permission will not be




– All the participants are expected to participate fully in all activities,
unless you have health issues. Unauthorized absence from activities and
workshops is not permitted.

– The workshops are carried out and led so that all participants can share
their point of view. We expect you to be very participative and fully
involved in the activities.

– If you don’t attend the workshops, you will not be reimbursed for the
travel costs



– The presentation of your organization: We recommend you to bring
some flyers, promotional materials, videos, photos, etc., about your
organization. You will make a presentation about the work they do and
about projects, activities, initiatives, etc., related to sustainability and

– The intercultural dinner: This event is a special moment of the project;
we will discover each country through some gastronomic specialities
(food and/or drinks and delights). You are free to do whatever you want.
You can cook a traditional meal such as a starter, a main meal, or a
dessert, or you can bring some traditional delights. If you decide to cook,
please let us know before, so we can manage to provide you the tools
you need. The meal that you will prepare has to be a simple one because
you will have around 2 hours to cook it. If you need to buy the
ingredients, please inform us in advance so we can manage the schedule
to have time to do the shopping.

Remember: this is at your expense.
We will be accommodated in a hostel and using the kitchen will be under
the authorization of the staff so the possibility of cooking or not will
depend on them.- Energizers: Participants will carry out an “energizer” during the Youth
Exchange before starting the workshops.