Virtual English Speaking Club SDGs: #SUSTAIN Project is Starting!

Anka Youth Association and K-Evolution are starting the #SUSTAIN project! Our first virtual speaking club will take place online about Sustainable Development Goals. The Sustainable Development Goals or Global Goals are a collection of 17 interlinked global goals designed to be a “blueprint to achieve a better and more sustainable future for all”. The SDGs were set up in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and are intended to be achieved by the year 2030. 

Would you like to discuss with us for a better and more sustainable future and practise your English? We are waiting for you to join us this Sunday! 

? When? on 7 November 2021,  at 16.00 Portugal Time, and 19.00 Turkey Time

?  Where? Online with Google Meet! Link to join: (Also link in bio and QR on the post!)

Don’t forget to mention to your friends who might be interested! 

Note: The participation is free of charge and open to all

This project is funded by TEAM4TEAM Project with a consortium of ALDA, MEDAR, Istanbul Bilgi University, Stiftung Mercador, and MitOst. 

Proje ile ilgili Genel Bilgilendirme:

ALDA ve MEDAR ortaklığında organize edilen TEAM4TEAM Projesi kapsamında yazdığımız #SUSTAIN Projemizin kabul edildiğini duyurmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz!

Açılımı “Eğitim, Değişim, Hareket ve Devinim için Türkiye-Avrupa Aktif Hareketler” olan TEAM4TEAM, medya ve aktif yurttaşlık alanlarında, Türkiye ve Avrupa’daki sivil toplumlar arasında karşılıklı değişimi desteklemeyi amaçlayan bir Sivil Toplum Değişim projesidir. Yıl boyunca 3 ana evreye ayrılan projenin ilk aşamasında Anka Gençlik Derneğini temsilen proje koordinatörümüz Mayıs-Haziran aylarında 8 modülden oluşan online okula katılım gösterdi. Online okulun ardından başlayan 6 aylık değişim sürecinde ise Türkiye’den ve Avrupa’dan bir sivil toplum örgütü ortaklaşa yazdığı Sivil Toplum Değişim Projesini uygulayacak. Bu kapsamda Portekiz’den K-Evolution Derneği ile yazdığımız sürdürülebilir kalkınma, vatandaş katılımı ve iklim değişikliği konulu #SUSTAIN isimli Değişim Projemiz kabul edildi. Ocak 2022’ye kadar sürecek bu Değişim Programında Portekizli ortağımızla birlikte çalışacak olmaktan mutluluk duyuyoruz. TEAM4TEAM Projesi, Şubat/Mart 2022’de Barcelona, İspanya’da yapılacak Bahar Okulu ile sona erecek. Proje kapsamında yapacağımız aktiviteler için takipte kalmaya devam edin!

ENG: We are happy to announce that our project titled #SUSTAIN has been accepted as part of the TEAM4TEAM Project organized in partnership with ALDA and MEDAR!

The TEAM4TEAM, which stands for Turkish-European Active Movements for Training, Exchange, Action and Mobility project is a Civil Society Exchange project that aims to support exchange between civil society in Turkey and Europe on media and active citizenship. In the first phase of the project, which was divided into 3 main phases throughout the year, our project coordinator, representing the Anka Youth Association, participated in the online school consisting of 8 modules in May-June. In the 6-month change process that started after the online school, a non-governmental organization from Turkey and Europe will implement the Civil Society Change Project, which they wrote jointly. In this context, our Exchange Project titled #SUSTAIN on sustainable development, citizen participation and climate change, which we wrote with the K-Evolution Association from Portugal, was accepted. We are happy to work with our Portuguese partner in this Exchange Program that will last until January 2022. The TEAM4TEAM Project will conclude with the Spring School to be held in February/March 2022 in Barcelona, ​​Spain. Stay tuned for the activities we will do within the scope of the project!

The project has ALDA and MEDAR as main partners, Bilgi University and MitOst as managers and finally the Civil Society Exchange and Mercator Stiftung as the donors.


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